
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Latest Eclipse Featurette

After The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Original Motion Picture Soundtrack lost its battle against Glee: The Music, Journey to Regionals at the Billboard 200 to claim the top spot in its debut week, now Summit Entertainment is trying to make sure that that won’t to the movie adaptation. The studio released a brand new featurette, which is like a smorgasbord of pasts TV spots, movie clips, behind-the-scenes shots, and commentaries from the cast members.

The featurette is a little more than 2 minutes and focuses more on the newborn vampires: the threat they pose to Bella, the Cullens, and the wolf pack. The newborn vampire armies were created by Victoria to avenge the death of her mate James who was killed by the Cullens in the first Twilight. The army is led by Riley, who was actually the first one to be seen at the featurette. He is played by Xavier Samuel, who said that there is a short period of time that the newborns are very strong and get very thirsty with blood. They were wreaking havoc in Seattle by making a series of killings. As soon as Victoria was satisfied with her army, they then went to find Bella because she will lead them to the Cullens. Victoria lied to them that the Cullen family was a threat to their existence. In order to protect Bella, the Cullens then made an unlikely team-up with the wolf pack to fight against the newborn vampires who were surging towards them.

It also shows some fight scenes, but they have been featured in the past. But this time they have in-depth comments from the actors like Jackson Rathbone and Kellan Lutz. The Cullens practicing and preparing for the stunts are also included. Plus there are behind the scenes shots of the vampires shooting during their battle against the wolves minus the special effects.

The Twilight saga: Eclipse will hit theaters on June 30 but, you can also hit the net and Watch Eclipse online.

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